Engage – Acts 29 – March 2025


Welcome to March 2025th’s Engage! We are going after Act’s 29. Many of you know that Acts only has 28 chapters, so what does the 29 mean? 29 is our present day continuation of experiencing the presence of God and making Him know throughout the Earth.  Children are welcome as there will be a class for them too!

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Eagle Mountain is very intentional in creating interactive events that promote growth and breakthrough into putting apostolic feet to prophetic hope. Our interactive Engage events are just that, INTERACTIVE. We want to hear from YOU live! On top of that we want to bless you with extra resources and weekly action step videos that follow the theme for that month. Our team works diligently to give you the very best experience in digital learning through these live events. The best part is they are evergreen! These ENGAGES will be valuable resources decades from now.

What You Will Learn


Chris Behnke

Chris Behnke is a serial entrepreneur for the last 20 years in the entertainment, software, and digital education space. He has over 20 years of executive management experience with public, private, and non-profit companies. Chris and Prudence developed the Human Nexus and God Designed Workshops over the last 15 years. He is currently the CEO of Tenacious Pursuit Global with companies in Health, Fitness, & Education verticals. Chris is also the founder and CEO of Kingdom Learning, a Kingdom based digital education platform launched in 2020.

Bobby & Becky Haaby

Bobby & Becky Haaby are catalyst’s, thought leaders, and Senior Leaders at Eagle Mountain in Bend, OR. Their heart is to put “Apostolic feet to Prophetic hope.” They thrive in creating an atmosphere where powerful people can run together and partner with God to release Heaven On Earth. Together they have given their lives to see Christianity defined by the tangible presence of God, an atmosphere of training and discipleship, signs and wonders, and by releasing heavens blueprints for societal transformation that solves the world’s most pressing problems.

Prudence O’Haire

Prudence O’Haire is an author, minstrel, artist, small business owner, catalyst for beauty, and mother of four amazing and talented children. She and her husband have several podcasts and are leaders at Eagle Mountain Apostolic Resource Center. To learn more about Prudence and Chris you can go to: https://chrisandprudence.com/


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