We believe this is a very special time in history where God’s people are experiencing a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Leaders from all over the world are uniting. The Lord is commanding a blessing on those who share this passion. This year, we are believing for churches and ministries to come together to lift up Jesus! Awaken means to wake up! Revive means to make new! We shall see the greatest move of God in history, sweep the nations of the earth, for the glory of the Father. We have been born for such a time as this. We invite you to join us.
Jesus Is Going To Awaken The Planet!
1pm – 4:30pm Worship / Speakers / Prayer (Doors open at Noon)
4:30pm – 7pm Break for Dinner and Evangelistic teams – community outreach in the city, true activation!
7pm – 10pm Worship / Speakers / Prayer (Doors open at 6:30pm)
Remember to bring dark/thick clothing and a towel if you want to get baptized at the event!