Prophetic Roundtable /// Apostolic Groups – Conference eCourse

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What you'll learn

  • Interviews with Tom and Mary Anne Hardiman and Paul Keith and Amy Davis.
  • Prophetic Revelation of things coming.
  • A call to apostolic groups.
  • Revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven


  • Current translation of the Bible
  • Desire to learn about something amazing
  • Willingness to invest in yourself for 16 hours. 


Just a Taste of the Flavor of this Conference

“I’m asking that He overshadow us tonight. I want all this weariness to be broken off of you. I’m not just praying an empty prayer. I’m not going to go forward until I feel like there is a measure of success here. That there is a measure that we can discern that something has shifted in this room. I’m not going to go through the motions and I don’t believe Bobby or Tom are just going to go through the motions. We are here by divine appointment. Do you believe that? Do you believe your steps are orchestrated by God? And there is so much in the world right now, but the world is out there. We’re surrounded right now by the bloodline of the Lord Jesus Christ. And all that witchcraft that’s been released against you is broken. All the words of all those people that hate you are broken right now. It has no place in this room. If you don’t give it a place. It will have no place in this room. This will be a refuge. This will be a safe place. This will be a place for the anointing. The horns of the altar, where you can come before the living God and receive an impartation of His spirit. That your prayer life would be rejuvenated. It would not be a labor, it would be a joy! It would be your very joy to go into the presence of God to talk to His heart.” Paul Keith’s opening prayer

Are we limiting what God wants to do in our lives by constructing how it’s going to look in our heads? It’s time to start, “thinking bigger!” If you go back and put yourself in the shoes of biblical characters, you will see that (in the moment) they had no idea how big God’s purposes and plans were for them. These were average men and women, fishermen, shepherds, tax collectors, prostitutes, a physician, good girls, a centurion, rabbi’s, a murderer, and wise men.  God encountered each one of them and helped them shine His glory and His story through their lives. How about us? How about now?! God is calling men and women to gather together in unity, to form these apostolic groups who will go out and change nations. Are you choosing to, “think bigger”?

What this course is for

  • Believers wanting to prepare for the upcoming plans of the Lord.
  • Anyone not wanting a mind set stuck in limitations.
  • A call to “think bigger”.


Tom & Mary Anne Hardiman

Tom Hardiman is Vice President of Spiritual Services at MorningStar Ministries. He and his wife, Mary Anne, direct the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries. Tom oversees a network of more than five hundred pastors, churches, and ministries throughout the world. Mary Anne has a passion to educate our nation about America’s true spiritual foundations. Previously a teacher at The Comenius School for Creative Leadership, Mary Anne is also the director of Morningstar’s Women’s Ministry, Shine.

Paul Keith & Amy Thomas Davis

Paul Keith & Amy Thomas travel extensively speaking at conferences and churches. Paul Keith has a unique gift for imparting prophetic understanding of times and seasons with a message of preparation and expectancy for the Lord’s Empowering Presence. Amy’s desire is to see the fullness of God‘s glory resident upon the radical remnant that will do great exploits. They oversee WhiteDove Ministries.

Bobby & Becky Haaby

Bobby & Becky Haaby are catalyst’s, thought leaders, and Senior Leaders at Eagle Mountain in Bend, OR. Their heart is to put “Apostolic feet to Prophetic hope.” They thrive in creating an atmosphere where powerful people can run together and partner with God to release Heaven On Earth. Together they have given their lives to see Christianity defined by the tangible presence of God, an atmosphere of training and discipleship, signs and wonders, and by releasing heavens blueprints for societal transformation that solves the world’s most pressing problems.

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Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons