Ray Hughes /// 15 Reasons to Praise

Which is a fulfillment of Amos 9:11 and Acts 15:16 “To build again the tabernacle of David.”  David was a great example, in the midst of a bad day, when his enemies surrounded him, he would stop and praise the Lord.  Worshipping our way to victory, so to speak. Did you know that praise can also open the spirit realm? This tremendous micro course will be a great foundational teaching for any worshipper, worship team, and the church.

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What you'll learn

  • 15 spectacular reasons to praise and worship
  • Deep revelation from the word or God
  • Translations of the different words for praise used in the Bible
  • Practical application of the scripture to your gift
  • Many ways this will change your life and the ways you minister


  • The Bible
  • Desire to learn about something amazing
  • Willingness to invest in yourself for 3 hours. 


Ray Hughes has spent a significant amount of time researching through the scriptures the word praise and the different forms it’s used in the Hebrew language.  He has a beautiful way of articulating each reason to praise and worship the Lord! This is a course I want to listen to over and over again. Not only is praise powerful to break the appointment with death it also is a fulfillment of scripture. Psalm 145 talks about a sustainable way to carry God’s praise from generation to generation. Which is a fulfillment of Amos 9:11 and Acts 15:16 “To build again the tabernacle of David.”  David was a great example, in the midst of a bad day, when his enemies surrounded him, he would stop and praise the Lord.  Worshipping our way to victory, so to speak. This tremendous micro course will be a great foundational teaching for any worshipper, worship team, and the church. 

 “Not about a formula, it’s about a Father.  It’s about interacting with God and finding His way of reaching out to us through His word, His promises, and purposes.  That He reaches out and is looking for those that just have this unbridled, passionate, love, and adoration for Him and we just want Him to be blessed and honored.”

What this course is for

  • Anyone interested in studying the Father’s heart behind praise.
  • Students who wish to dig deeper into what praise really is.
  • Church leaders who oversee worship and praise and the joys and challenges of worship ministry.
  • Bible teachers wondering how to explain praise.
  • Believers with questions about how praise affects their lives on a daily basis.


Ray Hughes

Ray Hughes lives within earshot of the Singing River near Muscle Shoals, Alabama. He has traveled the world for over 50 years as an author, storyteller, songwriter, and poet. He is a sought after public speaker and is passionate about creativity and training creative people. He is also passionate about biscuits, old guitars, and looking gift horses in the mouth (but not necessarily in that order).

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Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons