Ray Hughes /// Worship Foundations 2

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What you'll learn

  • The difference between praise and worship.
  • Deep revelation from the word or God.
  • Practical application of the scripture to your gift.
  • Many ways this will change your life and the ways you minister.
  • Man is created to worship and will then find something to fill that place.
  • A foundation for understanding the call to worship on our lives as believers.
  • Discover, or discover anew, our desire to participate in the ministry of praise and worship.


  • The Bible
  • A Journal
  • Internet connection capable of supporting streaming video
  • Desire to learn about something amazing
  • Willingness to invest in yourself for 6 hours. 


This tremendous eCourse will be a great foundational teaching for any worshipper, worship team, and the church. Ray Hughes has spent a significant amount of time researching through the scripture on the topic of worship. He has a beautiful way of articulating each reason to praise and worship the Lord! Rediscover the reasons you were created and awaken new desires and an understanding of your destiny. Ray has a deep understanding of worship leaders, chief musicians, the church, and how work together with honor.

It’s our goal through this course to give you a very powerful understanding as well as simple and practical tools to develop your praise and worship with the Lord into a place of purity and intimacy. Our lives should reflect the glory of God and worship is an important part of this process.

Topics Covered:

  • “Because man was born to worship, he will find an object of worship. He will find an object or a being somewhere.”
  • Many times praise is more connected to a physical expression and worship is more related to spirit response.
  • Attitude in worship.
  • How we can move in worship with reverence, awe, beauty, and wonder.
  • Similarities of praise and worship.
  • Worshipping in spirit and truth.

What this course is for

  • Anyone interested in studying the Father’s heart behind praise and worship.
  • Students who wish to dig deeper into what worship really is.
  • Church leaders who oversee worship and praise and the joys and challenges of worship ministry.
  • Bible teachers wondering how to explain the deeper meaning behind worship.
  • Believers with questions about how worship affects their lives on a daily basis.


Ray Hughes

Ray Hughes lives within earshot of the Singing River near Muscle Shoals, Alabama. He has traveled the world for over 50 years as an author, storyteller, songwriter, and poet. He is a sought after public speaker and is passionate about creativity and training creative people. He is also passionate about biscuits, old guitars, and looking gift horses in the mouth (but not necessarily in that order).

Course Content

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Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons