Cloud 9 Application VENDOR Fee.


We are excited to review your app and if you are not accepted, your money will be re-funded.

OUR NEXT EVENT: November 15th 1-7 & 16th 9-5



SKU: 43902 Category:


We are collecting a one time table fee of 75.00. Cloud 9 is powered by Eagle Mountain Church. We will not collect any more funds from our vendors as our desire is to be a local outreach through our event and we want you to be able to take home earnings meet new people and generally help your business thrive in our community!

Understand, that we need you to help bring in clients! Please advertise on your social media, talk to people or put out flyers! If you are apart of this, you will want success just as mush as we do. We would like to collect as many emails for Cloud 9’s data base as possible. Please help us do this by sharing your collection with us at the end of the event!


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