Hearing from the Lord is so powerful and can be such a mystery when you are just learning. This course gives a great overview into the prophetic. This is such a love filled and honoring teaching, please enjoy!
This course is designed to help you grow spiritually to be prepared for the days ahead. When Christ returns will He find faith on the earth? We believe the answer to this is YES! Unlike anything that has ever been seen, heard, or witnessed before. The evil pressure the enemy is pressing on us is really God’s extravagant way of revealing the flawless diamond/ His bride without spot or wrinkle. Don’s teaching helps lead us into the powerful place of rest with our Lord.
Being trained to live from God’s rest is vital right now. This is where our strength, joy, love, peace and identity are found. The very things we need to pour out on the world come from this intimate place. Don puts shape to the structure needed to grow in our spiritual authority and become this beautiful flawless bride.
It’s our goal to change the world. To be known by the world for our love for one another, to be fully equipped, and manifesting sons of God on this earth. We believe this course will give you valuable tools to do just that!
What You'll Learn
- Why do so many Christians seem to suffer harm?
- Stepping out into the full Spiritual authority that God has for us.
- The power our thoughts have.
- Claiming legal rights that God hasn’t given us.
- How do we enter into and remain in His rest?
- The meaning of feeling pressed by our labor and where this feeling comes from.
- If I don’t finish battling to comprehend, what will my pressed labors steal from me?
- What comes from the place of rest?
Don Potter
Don Potter teaches out of his strong passion for the kingdom of God and our need to be born again, AGAIN. He draws from his intimate time with the Lord to impart revelation and truth to the body of Christ. Don is a lifelong guitarist, songwriter, singer, and musical forerunner who has journeyed through concert stages, studios, and churches, and is a respected and sought-after worship leader. He also has a heart to see musicians released, both in the church and in the world, seeing their gifts and talents used with excellence while being led by the Holy Spirit.
World-Class Experiences For Everyone
It’s super important to us that every experience regardless if you are in person or online is exceptional.
We take great care to craft the experience “around” the content. This means not only listening to what the speakers are saying, but also the attendees, and most importantly the Holy Spirit.
Of course this means that sometimes things will be a bit different; but we like it that way.
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