Eagle Mountain – Tribe Essentials Welcome 5 eCourse Bundle


Welcome to our Tribe Essentials!

As you are new to Eagle Mountain we have created this content to help you acclimate to the culture here. You are most likely experiencing some subtle culture shock. Most people (even guest speakers) will tell us that as soon as they crossed the threshold or stepped through the front door they instantly felt at home. However,  this “home” doesn’t look like or operate like the places we’ve come from. Whether your experience was “home” or this place is completely different, a bit terrifying, or out of your comfort zone,  you are welcomed and you belong.



Tribe Essentials Welcome 5 eCourse Bundle

The Ascend:

Our tribe has been ascending the mountain of the Lord together and we are excited to have you join the climb with us. The way is not easy or for the faint of heart. That is why we make sure you have access to training and the resources will need for the Bend/journey ahead. Just like a mountain climber needs special equipment to climb, we too have very specific gear to help you acclimate to each new height. It is very important to not rush the process. You will feel great at first, and chomping at the bit to climb higher faster. Keep in mind that God is at work in the secret places of your heart. He is busy shifting and adjusting your thoughts, feelings, belief systems, exposing lies you’ve believed, and bringing revelation to areas you thought you were solid in.

We’re not going to lie, the parallel to mountain climbing is uncanny. Each place you encounter God in a new way is going to lead you to a place of vulnerability.  The strangest part is you are going to discover the people around you are an incredible support team. The best part is God has created this culture at Eagle Mountain to be a safe place of growth and acclimation. You can truly be you and be loved, blessed, and held accountable. Each part of your journey upward and then resting to acclimate you will find like minded people cheering you on.

Isaiah 2:2-3 NIV “2 In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. 3 Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.”


In the following videos you will begin to learn the DNA and culture here at Eagle Mountain. While you are first here we welcome you to rest and acclimate. Let us bless you. At the right time God will prompt your next. For now just enjoy basecamp.

This Tribe Essential Bundle includes the following 5 eCourses:

  1. Prophetic Training                           (3 videos)
  2. Tangibility of the Spirit Realm      (3 videos)
  3. 7C’s To Gain The Nations               (8 videos)
  4. Apostolic Resource Center             (3 videos)
  5. Culture of Heaven                            (8 videos)

Topics Covered:

  • Culture and language you will hear at Eagle Mountain.
  • What is an Apostolic Resource Center.
  • Powerful people who run together.
  • The 7 C’s and their importance in gaining the nations.
  • Emotional and spiritual health.
  • Knowing and owning your process.
  • Lifestyle of learning.
  • Developing beyond being managed.
  • A team of teams.
  • Operation We
  • and much much more…

Bobby Haaby

Bobby is a catalyst and thought leader who is encouraging and provoking the Church to put Apostolic feet to Prophetic hope. As a Senior Leader of Eagle Mountain, an Apostolic Resource Center in Bend Oregon, Bobby thrives in creating an atmosphere where powerful people can run together and partner with God to release Heaven On Earth.


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