Heavenly Realities Conference Replay


Welcome to the Heavenly Realities Replays! You will have long term access to this event eCourse replay filled with extra content if there were any (print outs, slides, extra interviews, or breakout sessions) and all the edited sessions from this event. We intentionally film this event with the online viewer in mind. Our production team is constantly looking for where Jesus is in the room and how to best capture those events for you. Many of our viewers have said they feel as if they were right there in the room with us and they have felt the anointing in their homes. We believe this will be a powerful resource for your growth and development as you follow Christ and do and say what the Father is doing and saying!

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We are bringing together some of the worlds top thought leaders for this conference. Please join us as we call the church to awaken to the Realities of Heaven! 


Aaron Winter

Aaron serves as the President of Hearts of Fire International Ministries, Inc. His passion is to see this generation experience God, get empowered, and become activated in their calling so we can witness a new kingdom movement of genuine authentic revival. 

Aaron’s message of walking in God’s power and understanding our true-identity in Christ has changed lives all over the world in church services, conferences, revival meetings and international crusades that have seen audiences exceed 100,000 people in attendance. 

In 2016, Aaron formed the Northwest Prayer Summit, a large apostolic gathering in Portland, OR. This event is designed to mobilize pastors, leaders, and the Body of Christ to fulfill the Northwest Apostolic Prayer Mandate.

Steve Shultz

In the 1990’s I was given a prophetic word “You will be connecting the prophets by computer”, and since 1997 that is what we have been doing through Elijahlist.com and other media platforms.

Patricia King

Patricia King is a respected apostolic and prophetic minister of the gospel, successful business owner, and an incentive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer, and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom’s advancement in the earth. She is the founder of Patricia King Ministries and co-founder of XPmedia.com.


Bobby Conner

Attending Digitally 

For almost five decades, Bobby Conner has been ministering around the world as a seasoned prophet of God. Bobby is uniquely anointed with a profound, passionate love for the Lord Jesus Christ and a fervent desire to discern and herald God’s voice to prepare the Lamb’s Bride to establish the Kingdom of God. Specifically, Bobby is called to sound the alarm and awaken the warriors to arise and contend for the true faith.

Having survived a failed abortion attempt and rescued by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, Bobby Conner lives in close, abiding intimacy with the Spirit of God and follows heaven’s mandate to set the captives free by imparting anointed revelation to the Body of Christ. Bobby is beloved throughout the world. He is honored not only for his extreme sensitivity to the Holy Spirit but also for his vast knowledge of Scriptures. Bobby’s messages are comprised almost exclusively of Bible verses, explicated with fresh revelation—a “now” Word from God—and with a depth of wisdom and insight resulting from decades of study and friendship with God. Highly esteemed as an international prophet and conference speaker, Bobby has ministered in more than 50 countries, as well as throughout the United States (speaking, on average, five times per week for more than four decades).

Kat Kerr

Attending Digitally 

Kat worked in the business world for over 20 years developing skills in Design, Photography, Marketing and the Legal arena before being set apart to prepare for a ‘special’ assignment. Now President of One Quest International; a for profit corporation God downloaded into her spirit for His purpose of releasing products into the marketplace that bring Heaven to earth and generate Kingdom finances.  The Father has told her that the Body of Christ is about to produce entrepreneurs through Heaven’s witty ideas, inventions and within a Holy Spirit inspired entertainment industry, things that will shock this world and shift the current economy.  He has shown her that America has not yet seen its greatest days as He pours out His Spirit on all flesh!

Alberto Rivera

Alberto’s prophetic mandate is to engage the Heavens and release the breaker anointing through prophetic sounds and declarations over individuals, places and nations. His heart is to unveil royalty and oneness with the Lord, helping the sons of God release their unique sound DNA in corporate worship as we engage Heaven. Alberto came from Santiago, Chile and now resides in Franklin, Tennessee with his wife Kimberly Rivera and their family.


Heavenly Realities was designed right from the beginning to be an incredible online experience.

Let’s face it. We are in an age where digital events are being pushed to the forefront. We know that digital is not typically desired above being in person where we are seeing firsthand and using all five senses to engage to the fullest extent, And yet here we are. Faced with change yet again in the form of an even more virtual world. We know that change can be rough. And We want to marry our conferences to change and smooth sailing and become the best of friends.  

Now, this is NOT just an in person event with a camera in the back for the online people. Rather, we have designed an engaging experience where the online eCourse is the primary focus! Yes that is correct! You who are watching are just as vital to the in-person attendee.

Most events that have gone “online” offer an experience that is far from amazing and certainly not engaging. However, Heavenly Realities has been carefully crafted to offer an incredible engaging online experience

World-Class Experiences For Everyone

It’s super important to us that every experience regardless if you are in person or online is exceptional. 

We take great care to craft the experience “around” the content. This means not only listening to what the speakers are saying, but also the attendees, and most importantly the Holy Spirit. 

Of course this means that sometimes things will be a bit different; but we like it that way. As with this event replay we include if there are any (print outs, extra interviews, and breakout sessions!)

Online Students & Attendees


Digital Attendees


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