Awaken The Planet 2021 – Conference eCourse

(1 customer review)


This is a powerful eCourse based on the 2021 Awaken The Planet annual event! Our goal is to unify area churches, ministry leaders and anyone wanting to know more about the love of Jesus!

This year’s event line-up includes Nathan French, Chris Overstreet, Cindy Jacobs and Sean Feucht! Worship will be lead by Jake Hamilton.

What’s included with your digital pass?

  • Full Replay Access Forever!
  • Additional Interviews & Content ONLY available through the digital pass!
Want a discount? Become a member by purchasing Eagle Mountain /// WORLD CHANGERS Membership!


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We are bringing together some of the worlds top thought leaders for this conference. Please join us as we call the church to awaken to the GREATER things God wants to do in us, through us, and that brings Heaven to Earth.

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We Are So Excited For This Year’s Event!

Worship Leader: Jake Hamilton

Speakers: Nathan French, Chris Overstreet, Cindy Jacobs and Sean Feucht.

We believe this is a very special time in history where God’s people are experiencing a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Leaders from all over the world are uniting. The Lord is commanding a blessing on those who share this passion. This year, we are believing for churches and ministries to come together to lift up Jesus!  Awaken means to wake up! Revive means to make new! We shall see the greatest move of God in history, sweep the nations of the earth, for the glory of the Father. We have been born for such a time as this. We invite you to join us.


Jesus Is Going To Awaken The Planet!              


Johnny Enlow Speaking


Awaken the Planet 2021 was designed right from the beginning to be an incredible online experience.

Let’s face it. We are in an age where digital events are being pushed to the forefront. We know that digital is not typically desired above being in person where we are seeing firsthand and using all five senses to engage to the fullest extent, And yet here we are. Faced with change yet again in the form of an even more virtual world. We know that change can be rough. And We want to marry our conferences to change and smooth sailing and become the best of friends.  

Now, this is NOT just an in person event with a camera in the back for the online people. Rather, we have designed an engaging experience where the online eCourse is the primary focus! Yes that is correct! You who are watching are just as vital to the in-person attendee.

Most events that have gone “online” offer an experience that is far from amazing and certainly not engaging. However, Awaken the Planet 2021 has been carefully crafted to offer an incredible engaging online experience.

We believe this is a very special time in history where God’s people are experiencing a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Leaders from all over the world are uniting. The Lord is commanding a blessing on those who share this passion. This year, we are believing for churches and ministries to come together to lift up Jesus! Awaken means to wake up! Revive means to make new! We shall see the greatest move of God in history, sweep the nations of the earth, for the glory of the Father. We have been born for such a time as this. We invite you to join us.

Jesus Is Going To Awaken The Planet!

This year, Awaken the Planet will take place on August 14, 2021!


World-Class Experiences For Everyone

It’s super important to us that every experience regardless if you are in person or online is exceptional. 

We take great care to craft the experience “around” the content. This means not only listening to what the speakers are saying, but also the attendees, and most importantly the Holy Spirit. 

Of course this means that sometimes things will be a bit different; but we like it that way. As with most of our events, this event includes FULL replay access to all the content from the event as well as a fully LIVE and interactive experience DURING the event. 

Additional information

Attending (In-Person or Digital)

In Studio Pass SOLD OUT, Digital Access Pass ($69)

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